Khan Academy

Khan Academy is one of the most used online educational resources for K-12 students in the world. Led by Sal Khan, founder and COO of Khan Academy, the nonprofit educational organization has more than 6,500 video lessons and 90+ courses available for free on its website. Khan Academy courses are generally focused on STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and math), but Sal also provides courses in business, economics, history, art and reading. 

How to use: Khan academy is a free online educational resource targeting K-12 students. To access, just visit, click on the courses dropdown menu, and select the course of interest. AP courses are also “taught,” though not for credit. Clicking on the desired course will redirect you to the course overview screen. From here, you may view the units and topics covered, but you will start the course by clicking “Get started”. You will begin the first unit of the course, and each unit “chapter” will contain videos, written lectures and followup questions to complete.

One key feature found in Khan Academy is the comment section. Each lesson video has a comment section where anyone with a Khan Academy account can ask or answer questions. Popular questions appear at the top of the comment section. Comments can be up-voted, down-voted and flagged based on their relevance to the topic. This feature is a great resource to clarify any confusion a learner may have. 

Login/Privacy/For parents: Khan Academy is a reputable, well known web organization. In order to take full advantage of what Khan Academy has to offer, users can create a free account by either logging in with their Google or Facebook accounts, or they can create a new one (which will require an email and password). Common data, such as first and last names, emails, and passwords are kept confidential by Khan Academy to improve their services and and for security. To learn more about Khan Academy’s policies with data, visit their privacy policy webpage: